(3-12km from Asuka or Yagi)
Start at the temple Abe no Monjuin – easy to find on a bicycle around Yagi. On the grounds are a beautiful pond, small cave with Jizo statuettes, a giant flower-decorated figure of the present Zodiac, and a miniature tunnel of Toris. All this for free, pay an extra 700 yen to get in the temple and see the big Buddha lion, and get free matcha! Nearby are some stone tombs dating from a really long time ago: Ishibutai and Takamatsu. And of course any self respecting visitor cannot forget the incomparable Asuka-dera temple, site of the first Buddhist temple ever in Japan. The temple is a reconstruction, but the Buddha inside is original, dating from the 7th century, and if you follow his line of vision he is looking at an angle out of the temple and across the rice fields of Asuka to Tachibanadera temple, the supposed birthplace of Prince Shotoku, the founder of Buddhism in Japan. Asuka is a great place to have a bicycle and cruise around the rice fields and the somewhat scattered historical spots. Asuka is not too far from Yagi or Kashihara Jingu-mae.